Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 1 - OK

We are only facing a few problems. Cody no longer wants to learn Japanese, not that I am surprised. He now wants to learn "something with normal letters like Spanish or something." And aside from Japanese we only have a math set, Saxons Math 7/6. The rest is in the mail.
We were going to use Clavert but after some talking and deciding and waiting on their placement test results we picked some materials out that include:
  • Switched-On Schoolhouse 2010: Grade 6 Science
  • Switched-On Schoolhouse 2010: Grade 6 Language Arts
  • Switched-On Schoolhouse 2010: Grade 6 History & Geography
  • Lifepac Electives: Art, Complete Set 
  • Health Quest: Lifepac Elective
  • Horizons Physical Education Grades 6-8
  • Music In Me: Hymns & Holidays Level 1
That covers all the State Requirements that he learn. I am considering Rosetta Stone for foreign language, my husband I would like to learn a few languages so maybe Cody will find interest in one that we want to learn also: Italian, German, Spanish, or Arabic.

We are hoping the computer based setup of a few of these classes will help keep him motivated.
Next year will I'm sure be different with different classes and different formats but this year is planned unless we run out of material to cover near the end of the year. I am thinking we will need the next math sooner than the rest.

I want to plan a few field trips also, but want to see what the classes are covering exactly so I can try to match up to what he is learning and spike his interests.
So far we have covered 6 lessons in Math in 3 days and he has written the Japaneses vowels and a few other characters.

I expect the rest of his classes to arrive Monday, I hope.

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